Friday 28 June 2013

Orchid Financial Services Ltd - 'The Best of'... Peterborough

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Behind The Business: Thornton Holmes, Orchid Financial Services

  • 28th June 2013
  • Author: Andrew H
Orchid Financial Services are this week's Peterborough business of the week. In this blog we'd like to introduce you to one of the company's directors, Thornton Holmes, and show you what makes him tick.
Name: Thornton Holmes
Business: Orchid Financial Services Ltd
Place of Birth: London
What is your favourite TV show?
Biker Build Off. I’m a custom nut and love my Harley Davidson!
If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Although I love all Indian Food it would probably be proper Beef Stroganoff using Fillet Steak (as it should be made).
What is your ideal Sunday?
Outside, hot weather, relaxing with the family and a ride out on the HOG with Beer in the evening!
What was the last movie you saw?
Can’t remember as I spend more time outside with the dog, shooting or on the HOG!
What have you been listening to in the car recently?
Foo Fighters – just brilliant.
If you weren’t a financial consultant, what would you like to be?
A full time musician - I spent many years as a semi pro musician and still gig, write and play (‘Quest’ play the Willow Festival July 14th 1.30pm Acoustic Tent)
Which four people would you invite to a dinner party?
My four best friends who are a known quantity and guaranteed to make the evening.

Orchid Financial Services provide comprehensive, unbiased, independent financial advice on auto enrolment, pensions, mortgages, lending and investments.

about the author

Member since: 30th January 2013
Owner of thebestof Peterborough and proud of everything local to our area!
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